3 research outputs found

    Potenziale von Mikro-Blogging im Unternehmen – Analyse bisheriger Anwendungsbeispiele

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    Mikro-Blogging war im Jahr 2008 das Hype-Thema des Web2.0, doch was steckt eigentlich dahinter? Die folgende Arbeit stellt Nutzen und Funktionsweise verschiedener Mikro-Blogging-Dienste und -Systeme im Unternehmensumfeld vor. Weiterhin werden einzelne Anwendungsfälle beschrieben und an Hand praktischer Beispiele belegt. Die Potenziale im internen und externen Nutzen werden ermittelt, strukturiert und erläutert, so dass sich in den Ergebnissen zeigt, wo tatsächlich ein Mehrwert erkennbar ist und warum Unternehmen Mikro-Blogging einsetzen sollten. Aber auch Kritik, Risiken und Gefahren des Mikro-Blogging werden berücksichtigt.Microblogging was the Web2.0 topic in 2008, but what is behind the hype? This thesis explains functionalities and values of microblogging services and systems within the enterprise. Further on it describes different use cases documented with practical examples. The potentialities of the internal and external values will be determined, structured and elucidated, in order to show where the real added value is identifiable and why companies should introduce microblogging. But also criticism, risks and dangers will be considered

    Händelsebaserad visualisering av multivariata abstrakta datamängder i realtid : Implementering och utvärdering av en prototypisk dashboardvisualisering

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    As datasets in general grow in size and complexity over time while the human cognitive ability to interpret said datasets essentially stays the same, it becomes important to enable intuitive visualization methods for analysis. Based on previous research in the field of information visualization and visual analytics, a dashboard visualization prototype handling real-time event based traffic was implemented and evaluated. The real-time data is collected by a script and sent to a self-implemented web server that opens up a websocket connection with the dashboard client where the data is then visualized. Said data consisted of transactions and related metadata of an ecommerce retail site applied to a real customer scenario. The dashboard was developed using an agile method, continuously involving the thesis supervisor in the design and functionality process. The final design also depended on the results of an interview with a representative from one of the two target groups. The two target groups consisted of 5 novice and 5 expert users to the field of information visualization and visual analytics. The intuitiveness of the dashboard visualization prototype was evaluated by conducting two user studies, one for each target group, where the test subjects were asked to interact with the dashboard visualization, answer some questions and lastly solving a predefined set of tasks. The time spent solving said tasks, the amount of serious misinterpretations and the number of wrong answers was recorded and evaluated. The results from the user study showed that the use of colors, icons, level on animation, the choice of visualization method and level of interaction were the most important aspects for carrying out an efficient analytical process according to the test subjects. The test subjects desired to zoom in on each component, to filter the contents of the dashboard and to get additional information about the components on-demand. The most important result produced from developing the dashboard was how to handle the scalability of the application. It is highly important that the websocket connection remain stable when scaling out to handle more concurrent HTTP requests. The research also conclude that the dashboard should handle visualization methods that are intuitive for all users, that the real-time data needs to be put into relation to historical data if one wishes to carry out a valid analytical process and that real-time data can be used to discover trends and patterns in an early-as-possible stage. Lastly, the research provides a set of guidelines for scalability, modularity, intuitiveness and relations between datasets.

    Vad påverkar medieteknikstudenternas kursval?

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    With many different elective courses to choose between, a lot of students  experience anxiety over deciding which courses to study next semester. The  choice of a specific course can have a big impact on the students future studies  and/or employment. Therefore the anxiety is justified. At the same time the  number of students applying for a course often vary from year to year. This  creates issues for the responsible teachers because of the ever-changing  resource requirements. There are several different theories on decision making, addressing the  different time related states as well as the different habitual styles. With  help of theories on these styles and time states, which were investigated with  two surveys and a focus group, and statistical data mining from a database  consisting of former course decision data we have studied how the students  reason when it comes to selecting courses and which aspects that influence their  choice. This gave us a better insight and understanding of the students’ situation and what the varying of applicants to different courses may depend  on. The results of this study show that the students at media technology often  have issues choosing between the elective courses. Many students experience that  the available information on the corresponding course homepages is brief and  therefore they call for a clarification of the course information. Because of  this, the majority of the students in the lower grades often rely on the advice  that the students in the higher grades provide. The database analysis shows that  the grades in the mathematics courses have an effect on which track (and its  corresponding elective courses) a student will choose.Med många kursvalsmöjligheter är det lätt att som KTH-student uppleva  beslutsångest inför kursvalen. Eftersom ett kursval kan ha stor effekt på hur  studenters framtida studier och/eller yrkesliv kommer att se ut så är  beslutsångesten många gånger befogad. Samtidigt som studenter har svårigheter  med att fatta sina kursvalsbeslut, så varierar antalet sökande till de valbara  kurserna från år till år. Detta medför svårigheter för de kursansvariga eftersom  resurskraven ständigt ändras. Det finns flera teorier kring beslutfattandet, dels kring dess olika  tidsrelaterade stadier såväl som dess olika vanemässiga stilar. Med hjälp av  teorier kring habituella beslutsstilar i olika tidsperioder, som undersöktes med  två enkätundersökningar och en fokusgrupp, och statistikutvinning ur en databas  innehållandes kursvalsdata har vi i denna rapport studerat hur studenterna  resonerar kring kursvalen och vad som påverkar deras beslutsfattande. Detta för  att ge en bättre inblick och förståelse för studenternas situation samt för att  undersöka vad varierande antal sökande till vissa kurser och inriktningar kan  bero på. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att studenterna på medieteknik ofta  upplever svårigheter med att välja sina valbara kurser. Många studenter upplever  att den informationen som finns på kurshemsidorna är knapphändig och efterlyser  därför ett övergripande förtydligande av kursinformationen. Därför förlitar sig  majoriteten av studenterna i de lägre årskurserna på de äldre studenternas  kursvalsråd. Databasanalysen visar bland annat att matematikbetygen har en  påverkan på vilken inriktning (och dess tillhörande valbara kurser) som  studenterna väljer